3 Important Things To Do After Being Charged With A DWI

Now that you've been charged with a DWI offense, you are probably wondering what you can do to prepare yourself for court and to minimize the impact that a DWI will have on your life as a whole. Here are a few important things that should be done after being charged with a DWI:

Participate in a Recovery Program

To show the court that you're serious about staying sober when you're behind the wheel from here on out, it's a good idea to join a recovery program of some kind. Joining Alcoholics Anonymous or participating in an alcohol rehabilitation program of some kind in your community will give the court peace of mind in knowing that you are taking steps to make positive life changes and to make sure that you don't end up drinking and driving again in the future.

In response, the court may be more lenient and you may be able to get back behind the wheel sooner. And participating in a recovery program will help put you in a positive frame of mind and provide you with the support you need to get through this difficult time in your life.

Get Letters From Family and Friends

Before heading to court to address your DWI charge, it's a good idea to ask your friends and family members for letters of support. Each letter will provide the court with more insight into the kind of person you really are and help the judge understand how important you are to the lives of your friends and family members.

If the judge understands that you make positive contributions to your family, friends, and community on a regular basis, they'll likely be less inclined to give you jail time and may opt for another punishment like community service instead. And if you can stay out of jail, it will be easier for you to maintain you career and personal life throughout the court process.

Hire a DUI Attorney to Represent You

One of the most important things you can do after being charge with a DWI offense is hire an attorney to represent you. Find a lawyer that focuses their talents on DWI law so you know you'll be getting the best representation possible. Your DWI attorney will understand exactly what the court is looking for when they process your case and determine whether to sentence you to jail time, community service, or paying a fine of some kind.

You can count on your lawyer to collect police reports, witness statements, and other evidence that is relevant to your case and put together a solid defense that serves in your best interest. They'll be there to help you fill out important paperwork and affidavits, and they will represent you in court so you don't have to even worry about speaking for yourself.

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Hiring the Right Lawyer

When you start looking for a lawyer, it can be easy to assume that they are all the same. After all, since they all went to law school, how much more qualified could one lawyer possibly be over another? Unfortunately, different law offices have different specialties, which means that one lawyer might be a lot more effective in the courtroom. I have been working with lawyers for several years, so I know what you might be looking for. Take the time to go through my website to learn more about what to look for. You might be able to find great legal help, without spending more than you need to.