It's About Time: Personal Injury Timing Matters

When it comes to car accident cases, timing has a lot to do with the success of your case. If you have been hurt in a car wreck that was not your fault, you may be owed monetary damages from the other driver. Read on for some tips that are sure to have you timing your personal injury compensation just right.

Speak to Your Lawyer First

  1. Forestall financial problems by taking action as soon as possible. Most accident victims are unable to work after a car accident and can ill afford to lose the income. You may suffer from bill collection activities along with a dent in your credit score if you allow bills to pile up. That means you should to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after an accident to get things underway. Accident cases can take time to be resolved so don't put it off.
  2. Personal injury cases are built upon evidence, and some of that evidence is time-sensitive. Eyewitnesses can be more difficult to contact if you wait too long, for example. Eyewitness statements are best obtained early while memories are fresh. Waiting too long might also compromise your lawyer's ability to obtain video footage of the accident and damage at the scene.
  3. Waiting too long to be treated for your injuries could impact your case. If you are hurt in any way, seek medical treatment. If you don't, the other side could maintain that you were not that injured, that you are being dishonest about your injuries, or that you are suffering from preexisting injuries not related to the accident. Make it a point to keep up with your medical treatment by using a pain journal, saving all medical documents, and following medical advice at all times.
  4. You may be surprised at how much better accident victims feel after they speak to a personal injury lawyer. Don't suffer from both your physical injuries and the stress of dealing with the other guy's insurer. Just placing the burden of the legal case on your lawyer's shoulders will allow you to focus on healing yourself.

Don't Act Too Quickly

On the other hand, it's better to not make big moves in a hasty manner.

  • You may be so desperate for financial help that you accept the first offer from the other side. Many victims have no idea of what they are entitled to be paid for damages and some amounts sound better than they are. What might seem like enough has to cover a lot of ground. Once you agree to settle and accept a check, there is no turning back. It's very unlikely that the insurer will offer you enough without some tough negotiating and the help of a lawyer.
  • If you accept a settlement too soon, you may not know the full impact of your injuries. If you need future medical care, that needs to be part of your settlement. Those medical bills and other needs can add up quickly.

The best way to figure out the timing after an accident is to speak to a personal injury lawyer before you do anything else and be guided by their expertise. To get started, check out the site of a law firm that can help.

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