What to Know About DUI Attorneys

In the United States, DUIs are fairly common. While it is legal to drive while your blood-alcohol level is under a certain percentage in some states, it is not a smart thing to do.

What Is a DUI?

A DUI is something you receive when you are driving under the influence. This means if you're driving and your blood alcohol level is 0.08 or above, you are at risk of receiving a DUI. While it is legal in some places to drive with a blood-alcohol level of 0.07 or lower, it may not be a wise choice because it is very easy to cause an accident when under the influence. 

What Should You Do if You're Being Charged for a DUI?

The very first thing you should do if you were pulled over and caught driving over the legal limit is hiring a DUI attorney. A DUI attorney will be specialized in cases like this and will know exactly how to help you fight or lessen the charge. From there, your lawyer will guide you through the process. 

What Can a DUI Attorney Do for You?

A DUI attorney will help you through the process as best they can, always fighting to drop or lessen your charges. 

Some tasks they complete include:

  • Representation in court
  • Explain charges
  • File all documents
  • Provide advice
  • Schedule evidentiary hearings
  • Assist in jury selection
  • Gather witnesses
  • Investigate and expose if police procedures were not followed

At times, your DUI lawyer may suggest you plead guilty or may even enter a plea bargain. This is to lessen the sentence from the judge. Usually, if you plead guilty or enter a plea bargain, a judge is more willing to be lenient because you are admitting to your guilt and cooperating.

DUI Attorney Education

After a DUI attorney has obtained a bachelor's degree, they'd need to go on to achieve a Juris Doctorate, or a law degree, before taking the bar exam. Before being able to practice law, every lawyer needs to pass the bar exam. While completing school, it is acceptable to work at a law firm as an intern or clerk. DUI lawyers must always be aware of and new or changing laws pertaining to DUIs. 

How Much Do DUI Attorneys Make?

The average yearly salary of a DUI attorney is around $117,646. While a lawyer's salary will depend on their location, skill level, and rate, it is safe to assume it will be close to the $117K national average.

For more information about DUI lawyers, contact a local law firm, such as Brown & Hilderley PLLC, near you.

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When you start looking for a lawyer, it can be easy to assume that they are all the same. After all, since they all went to law school, how much more qualified could one lawyer possibly be over another? Unfortunately, different law offices have different specialties, which means that one lawyer might be a lot more effective in the courtroom. I have been working with lawyers for several years, so I know what you might be looking for. Take the time to go through my website to learn more about what to look for. You might be able to find great legal help, without spending more than you need to.