The Charges You Might Face For Taking Prescription Drugs Without A Prescription And How An Attorney Can Help

Some people may share prescription drugs with their family members without consulting the doctor. Others obtain these drugs through crimes that involve fraud. For instance, they use someone else's prescription card or buy the drugs online. 

You should know that these acts are unlawful, and you might face criminal charges if the police arrest you. When this happens, consider hiring a criminal defense lawyer to handle your case. They will build a strong defense to prevent you from getting a severe punishment when facing the following charges. 

Uttering a Prescription of a Controlled Substance  

The prosecuting attorney can charge you for attempting to use a false prescription. Uttering a false prescription can make you spend years behind bars or pay a hefty fine if convicted. That said, you might get a lenient judgment when facing your first offense. 

On the other hand, penalties may be harsher if convicted multiple times. But, it is important to note that the judge can only punish you if the prosecution proves certain facts. These include providing information that you sold, altered, or had pre-signed blanks for prescription drugs. The prosecutor must also prove that you intentionally tricked someone into purchasing the drugs. 

In such a case, your lawyer can raise arguments to counter the information the prosecutor presents in court. They can argue that the accusations are wrong and that you had no intention to attain or use controlled prescription drugs. This may weaken your case, and the judge might throw it out for lack of sufficient evidence or grant you a lenient judgment.

Obtaining a Controlled Substance by Fraud

Purchasing and attempted procurement of a controlled prescription drug is also unlawful. As such, your offense might include acquiring drugs through forgery, fraud, or trickery. And you might face several charges for this crime. They might include obtaining medication without your doctor's approval. The prosecutor might also charge you for illegally increasing the number of pills or dosage on the prescription. 

In such cases, you might face severe consequences when convicted. The penalties might be harsher if the prosecutor prefers additional charges against you. For instance, they might charge you with drug trafficking, making you spend years behind bars. If facing these charges, hiring a lawyer to defend you in court is highly recommended. The legal advisor can get evidence to disapprove your offense before the court and mitigate your penalties. 

You might face the charges above when officers arrest you for taking prescription drugs without a prescription from a medical practitioner. In addition, you can face severe consequences if the judge finds you guilty. The best way to avoid getting a harsh judgment is by hiring an attorney to defend you. 

For more information, contact a criminal defense lawyer. 

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