Understanding Reckless Driving Defenses: What Are Your Options?

Reckless driving is a serious offense, and it can result in significant fines, loss of your license, and even jail time in some instances. That's why it's important that you make every effort to defend yourself against charges like this. Unfortunately, many drivers don't realize that there are defenses against reckless driving. Here's a look at some of the things to consider and discuss with an attorney.

What If You Weren't The Driver?

Sometimes, mistaken identity, misrepresentation, or general confusion can lead to false charges of reckless driving. If you lent your car to someone, if someone pretended to be you, or if the officer was mistaken in who was behind the wheel, this can be a reasonable defense against reckless driving. Take time to talk with your attorney about how you could prove that you weren't the driver.

What If The Situation Was Overstated?

Another common defense against reckless driving charges is that the situation was completely overstated by the officer. There's a difference between making an irresponsible decision as a driver and being reckless. If you made a sudden lane change or you swerved to avoid something in the road, but your behaviors weren't generally reckless, your attorney can mount a sound defense. In most cases, it's easier to prove if you have video evidence, though.

 What If The Radar Gun Was Inaccurate?

Sometimes, reckless driving charges are solely based on the speed at which you're traveling. Exceeding the posted speed limit by a specific amount is automatically reckless driving in many areas. If that's what you're facing, you should talk with your lawyer about investigating the maintenance records and statistical testing of the radar gun that was used to assess your speed. You may also want to consider looking for any video footage of the incident to see if you can possibly question the integrity of the angle, such as if there were multiple cars or other interference.

What If You Were In The Middle Of An Emergency?

Extenuating circumstances are legitimate when it comes to defending against reckless driving charges. If you admit that you were driving recklessly, but you or someone else in the car had a medical emergency or there was another legitimate reason for your behavior, that may be enough for a sound defense. Your lawyer can help you evaluate the situation and decide.

These are some of the most important elements to consider if you're ready to fight a reckless driving charge. Talk with a lawyer near you today for more support.

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